Ben Gurion University Model UN Conference

נאום של דקה שנשאתי בכנס BGUMUN באוניברסיטת בן גוריון בשנת 2015 בוועדה של UNICEF בנושא חינוך ילדים במדינות עולם שלישי. בוועדה זאת ייצגתי את סיירה לאון ובו פניתי למדינות המשתתפות בוועדה וביקשתי סיוע עבור מדינתי לשיקום מערכת החינוך לאחר מלחמת האזרחים.

"Honorable Chair, fellow delegates,

According to Article 26 in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Education is a basic human right. We, the Republic of Sierra Leone, believe that every human deserves proper elementary education. However, when the horrors of a civil war have torn a country, providing adequate education becomes a challenge.  

Education was one of its earliest casualties when the civil war started in 1991. Schools burned down, teachers fled, and children were drafted by the rebels to become child soldiers.

Since the war ended in 2002, our country has been working to improve our education and school system with the generous help of UNICEF, Save the Children, and other relief organizations.

Despite the vast assistance, Sierra Leone still struggles to re-establish its school system, especially in rural areas where the situation is grave.

Therefore, we use this stage to formally request additional assistance to give Sierra Leone children a better future."

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